Thank You Universe

Dear Universe, God, and whoever else is listening,

Thank you for this moment. Thank you for calling me to this place. I am well fed, clean-shaven, healthy, happy and whole. I am working hard and struggling each day to be the best person I can be, but the pursuit of that excellence keeps me satisfied in paradox. I am suffering, but I am growing. I have sorrow and frustration, but these are amongst friends, joy, pride and love. I do not know if I deserve everything I have; I have always been confused by what differentiates the haves from the have-nots. But I am hopeful that one day we all might have – not more than we need, but enough to sustain us, enough to keep us on the path of individual destiny and self-actualization. Yeats once said, “There is another world, but it is in this one.” I like to think that there is an ideal world, but it is in this one. Maybe one day we’ll get it right – or maybe our lesser humors will get the better of us on the whole, and we’ll continue to make errors that hurt us in the end. There is neither a way of knowing, nor reason to fight that which we cannot control. I can control the way I act and think. I can control the way that I treat people and the mission that I dedicate my life to. I can control the love I have for the world, the relentless resistance I have for hate, and my smiles throughout every single day of my life.

I am happy Universe, God and whoever else is listening. I just thought you might like to know. And if you’ve had a hand in this – thank you.



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