So if I go, know this...

The world has felt pretty miserable lately. Mass shootings. Suicide bombings. Missile strikes. Police brutality. Terror-fueled trucks slamming into pedestrians. Chemical weapons. Domestic terrorists killing on trains. Politicians preaching hatred and vitriol, encouraging isolation, stoking fear, and stubbornly refuting scientific facts with short-sighted self interest. And then of course, there are the other unexpected personal tragedies that can sneak up on us and extinguish the lives of the ones we love; it feels sudden and surreal.

I have known three people my age who have died within the passed few years. No matter how you slice it, the hard truth is that each of our lives are fragile and precious; our days finite and few. I am hoping for quite a few more, but given the unexpected nature of things, I feel it's important to share a few deep truths that I have come to embrace over the course of my thirty years of life. My hope is that these ideas cut through the noise of the immediate present and reach for something a bit more grounded and eternal.

So if I go, know this.

A life well-lived is filled with love. Love your family, love your friends, love yourself, love those who are hurting and who hurt, love those who are easy to love and those who aren't, love the planet and the creatures on it, never stop loving, love even when it's difficult, and when you get nothing in return. Love God, the Universe, the Big Kahuna, however you want to conceptualize It. We are not alone, we are filled with meaning and purpose, and the pursuit of knowing your Maker and becoming God-tuned is a noble venture, I mean it. Eliminate your pride, your ego, your fear, and reject, as best you can, the flawed compulsions of humanity. Wealth, power, excess, lust, gluttony, the finer things, the good life, and human celebrity are misguided and foolhardy aspirations; they ultimately leave you unfulfilled, perhaps even more empty, and even though a lot of money and thought goes into convincing you otherwise,  a big house, fat paycheck, and fast car will not make you happy. You have to find it elsewhere my friend, and again, I think the divine source for each of our happiness is aligned to how much we love, how well we know God and ourselves, and how much we serve. Because ultimately, our service, what we DO with this one precious life, how we engage our limited moments and our energy on this spinning terrestrial dome is the measure of who we are as beings, even if each of our lives is but a single breath in the lungs of existence, a grain of sand on an endless beach, a thumbprint on the glass of an infinite skyscraper.

This one, this one here, this one was a good and faithful servant. This one helped people. This one cared about others and the planet and the animals on it. This one promoted peace. This one served. This one loved. This one was.

So if I go, know this. I live to love, to serve, and to be. I reject hate, violence, disparity, ignorance, and oppression, and I act accordingly.

Join me.


Jamie said…
Beautiful, Josh. I hadn't read this but saw it after I read your Business School post. Thank you for sharing. My hope and prayer is that you have many more years to share your heart and soul with the world. Love you. Mom
Lee LeVoy said…
Inspiring,Josh! We need your presence, your voice, your energy on this planet to help us reach out to the ones who are oppressed and poor.
Blessings on your journey.
Lee LeVoy

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