Here's to 25 Years (and Dr. Seuss)

Could it be?
The young man thought
A quarter century's a lot!
Imagine what this new year means
Twenty-five whole years of dreams
Big ones, small ones and in betweens
And here I am, or so it seems
I am who I am and I know what I know
And I am the guy who'll decide where to go
Right now its New York, but maybe someday
I can bathe in the sun of Cal-i-forn-i-a!
Who knows what comes next on this quizzical trip
If life's like cold water I'll have one long slurping sip
Yes I'll drink it all down to the very last drop, but won't stop my sips there, no there I won't stop
Cuz when life is well lived the cup overflows
And the more that you live the more that it grows
Because love fills the cup and there is no end there
When love fills the cup it won't ever be bare
So I'll live and I'll love and I'll move and groove on
And I'll meet and I'll greet and I'll dance and sing songs
And I'll grow and I'll learn and I'll teach and I'll shine
Here's to 25 years of this grand life of mine!

(Inspired by Seuss, the first master of rhyme)


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