Time Will Tell
I've now been a New Yorker for over a week. What does this mean? Not much really, except I now know that lettered trains run east - west (usually), numbered trains run north - south (most of the time), rent is going to cost me around $800 - $1,200 per month (son-of-a...) and jay walking is not only common practice, but expected social behavior. Other than that, I'm no different than I was last Tuesday (except for a new hair cut).
We're continuing classrooms sessions this week (7 am - 9 pm sessions with breaks), but the content is becoming more practical and less abstract. Whereas last week we were discussing the achievement gap, if we believe it can be closed, what we believe our role to be as teacher, what our vision is for our classroom, and many other lofty concepts, this week we are diving into lesson planning, our lesson objectives for the summer, etc. I don't know if I mentioned it, but I will be teaching 7th grade English this summer at M.S. 331 / P.S. 306 (abbreviations for Middle School 331 / Public School 306). Tuesday, July 5th is our first day. My first lesson plan is due tomorrow night. To a newcomer, this might seem like an extremely accelerated timeline and hardly enough preparation to dive into the classroom. To which I would agree, but from my experience with Teach for America these past few weeks, you just have to roll with it, trust in yourself, and get ready for a ride.
I wish I had a few more insights for y'all, but my mind gets pretty worn out after being awake for 16 hours and thinking for 12. We have another big day tomorrow of sessions, assignments, and the like - really, I'm just excited to meet my students. I'm really hoping that I can connect with them. I'd like to think that my personality and planning will excite them about English and inspire them to achieve. These are all of the sorts of things we write about throughout the day, but it's true. Everyone I've ever talked to has encouraged me on this path, and indicated their full-fledged belief that I would / will make an excellent teacher. I hope they're right - not for me, but for my soon-to-be students. Time will tell internet companions.
Quote of the Day: The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. - B.B. King
We're continuing classrooms sessions this week (7 am - 9 pm sessions with breaks), but the content is becoming more practical and less abstract. Whereas last week we were discussing the achievement gap, if we believe it can be closed, what we believe our role to be as teacher, what our vision is for our classroom, and many other lofty concepts, this week we are diving into lesson planning, our lesson objectives for the summer, etc. I don't know if I mentioned it, but I will be teaching 7th grade English this summer at M.S. 331 / P.S. 306 (abbreviations for Middle School 331 / Public School 306). Tuesday, July 5th is our first day. My first lesson plan is due tomorrow night. To a newcomer, this might seem like an extremely accelerated timeline and hardly enough preparation to dive into the classroom. To which I would agree, but from my experience with Teach for America these past few weeks, you just have to roll with it, trust in yourself, and get ready for a ride.
I wish I had a few more insights for y'all, but my mind gets pretty worn out after being awake for 16 hours and thinking for 12. We have another big day tomorrow of sessions, assignments, and the like - really, I'm just excited to meet my students. I'm really hoping that I can connect with them. I'd like to think that my personality and planning will excite them about English and inspire them to achieve. These are all of the sorts of things we write about throughout the day, but it's true. Everyone I've ever talked to has encouraged me on this path, and indicated their full-fledged belief that I would / will make an excellent teacher. I hope they're right - not for me, but for my soon-to-be students. Time will tell internet companions.
Quote of the Day: The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. - B.B. King