New York New York
It is miraculous that my eyes are still open. Today has been one of the fullest, most exhausting days of my entire life and will not be soon forgotten. Because I am running on less than 3 hours of sleep over the past 36 hours, I'll be brief. However, this post should be evidence to all those who are interested that, after a 3 year hiatus from the blogging community, my thoughts and adventures are now back in the public domain. Enjoy!
- Yesterday - Monday, June 20th
- 8:00 AM - Receive email from Hyde Leadership Charter School in the Bronx that reads (something to the tune of...) - "Hi, Josh! Tomorrow you will be interviewing at our school and are expected to perform a 20-minute demonstration lesson to a class of 25 students. The subject is math and grade level is 7th. See you soon!"
- Remainder of day - Frantic lesson plan preparation, finalizing pre-induction coursework, dinner with family and friends, more frantic preparation and packing.
- Today - Tuesday, June 21st
- 12:30 AM - Deep breaths. Bed.
- 3:30 AM - Awake, final packing, leave for airport.
- 6:00 AM - So long sweet home Chicago
- 9:10 AM - Hello, New York New York (We are now on Eastern Standard Time)
- 10:15 AM - Cab ride to St. John's University in Queens
- Arrive only to find out the group of interviewees I am traveling with are already waiting!
- But wait! Quickly now, complete all registration activities!
- No time! Leave all bags at the registration center and get in the car for Hyde!
- 11:00 AM - Still traveling, my first ride in the New York subway
- 12:15 PM - Walk through Hunt's Point, Bronx to the Hyde Leadership Charter School with my new friend Rachel, another Teach for America corps member who is also interviewing (different position)
- 1:15 PM - "The students are ready for you Mr. Williams." My teaching career begins.
- I teach 20 students the absolute value of numbers (my mother thought the subject matter too easy, my friend Billy, too rigorous, the students, just right... nailed it!)
- Interview with 4 school officials - all of which are fantastic - I feel this organization could be a perfect fit!
- 5:00 PM - Return to St. John's - wanting nothing but sleep
- 6:00 PM - Welcome BBQ - no sleep just yet
- 7:00 PM - Welcoming ceremony for new corps members - I think this place suits me
- 8:30 PM - Hanging out with new roommates
- Andrew, from Queens
- Jason, from D.C.
- Jeff, from Memphis
- Andre, from New Jersey
- Alex, from Colorado Springs
- Cliff, from TBD
- 9:00 PM - Begin blogging - realize so many details have been missed - desperately desiring sleep
- 9:30 PM - Sleep - tomorrow is another big day.
Quote of the day: "Forgive yourself every night. Re-commit every morning."
So that was that. But to my friends in the Pacific, Mountain, Central and Turkish time zones - I miss you, and carry you with me wherever I go.
All the best,