Josh Goes on a Spiritual Retreat (and a Poem About Stars)

If you know me well, you know that the past 7 years of my life have taken me on a physical and spiritual journey. I am a progressive Christian who digs meditation and God-tuned discussion, and I am not ashamed to admit that I aspire to change the world. That said, my writing on Josh Goes rarely explicitly articulates my faith, perhaps because in the intellectual, urban circles in which I roll, proclaiming one’s Christianity is about as cool as eating celery.

Here’s the thing though, to not understand my faith is to miss a core component of who I am, which is the whole point of this here blog; to share my journey, my adventures, my thoughts and musings about the world, and to broadcast my life to the masses (1). So, let me tell you a secret.

Right now, I am on a spiritual retreat, my first ever. I am in a lakeside town in Wisconsin in a one-bedroom cabin. Yesterday afternoon, I had a lovely discussion with a 74-year-old Christian woman who rents her property to those seeking sanctuary and acts as a spiritual director of sorts. We talked about my life and my journey, and then I spent today silently hiking, cooking, eating, reading, praying, golfing, listening to music, and now, writing (2). It’s rad, and if you ever want to talk to me more about it, please shoot me a note, I’d be happy to discuss.

Anyhow, last night, after dinner, I sat outside under an infinite ceiling of stars. As a man who has always lived in and around cities, I haven’t seen this many stars since watching Cosmos on Netflix and cruising with Neil DeGrasse Tyson on the Ship of the Imagination. It was truly inspiring, and when I returned to my living space, I applied my limited linguistic skills to capture what I could of the moment.

Thousands of them
Stars shining scattered across the sky
Tiny suns bearing light, bringing life
Gazing down at my humble being
This is awe and gratitude
This is the deeper understanding that I am nothing and everything
I am star dust and molecules and a string of thoughts that will one day return to a quiet place of peace and harmony
Lord, God, I give you my life
I give you absolutely everything
Whatever I achieve
Whatever I experience
I do with your grace and because of your love
Help me to spread love and to be always and forever in communion with you
I am in a precious and timeless place
I am forever grateful
Amen (3)

So that’s it. I am going to spend 1.5 more days quietly thinking, reading, praying, and reflecting, as I consider where I am, where I am going, how I will get there, and what purpose the Big Kahuna has for my little slice of life. If you are as interested in the journey as I am, I encourage you to keep reading.

Thanks, masses.

With love and gratitude,

1) Aspirational language may be used to inflate the importance and general readership of this blog.
2) I am not entirely sure if blogging on spiritual retreats is par for the course, but forgive me if I’ve erred, this is my first time.
3) For those of you who don’t believe in God, it's possible that my reflection above sounds like a curious spell of mumbo jumbo. I assure you, I am not insane, but am doing my best to live a life in alignment with the Universe (more mumbo jumbo). My prayerful poem above is an expression of that, and I appreciate your open mindedness in reading it.


Unknown said…
I am grateful you could come to Sanctuary for your retreat! I feel privileged to share part of your journey, and pray with you here. May you carry the grace of this retreat as you return to your commitments.
Blessings and peace,
Lee LeVoy
Anonymous said…
I think you are pretty cool, Josh! Thank you for your words of wisdom. It was nice to drift away and visualize the scenery. Rob and I are side by side here at AK Steel making it. It's a nasty environment but we keep plugging along. I've been praying a lot myself and we have to be thankful for all that we have. Anyway Cousin, keep writing, I didn't know you were gifted like that.

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