Going, going, back, back, to St. John's, St. John's...
It’s 10:58 PM on a Thursday in June. I’m sitting at a dorm
room desk in St. John’s University, my roommate Clifton behind me working
diligently, the hum of an air conditioner to my right, a candle burning quietly
on a shelf. It is peaceful. It is pleasant. It will not last. I am back at
Teach For America’s Summer Institute.
It is actually quite peculiar being in this position. Almost
precisely two years ago, I arrived at La Guardia Airport in Queens, scurried
over to this very campus in my blue shirt and bright gold tie, and began my
career as a teacher. Today, I presided over a graduation ceremony for my 8th
graders, savored the successful completion of my second year as a teacher, then
scurried back to St. John’s in my blue shirt and gold tie to start it all again
(the attire was dorkily planned). A good part of me is earnestly wondering, what the hell am I thinking? Why in the
world would I want to come back here?
And I don’t know really. Here are a few of my best guesses in
an attempt to answer that question.
My girlfriend Carmen wanted to do it and I
didn’t want to miss her so I chased her here.
I don’t like cooking for myself and thought the
buffet food of Montgoris Dining Hall would be an upgrade.
I am in debt and $5,700 is nothing to thumb your
nose at.
I love the mission of Teach For America. I love
the people. I want to support the cause and in the process become an even
better teacher for my students. I like hard work, especially when the results
are to the benefit of human beings. I like to think. I like to collaborate. I
like to promote literacy and critical thinking. I love this job.
Anyway, it’s probably one of the four above. Maybe there’s
some truth in all of them. The fact of the matter is this; I’m back at
Institute. Also, if I don’t write about it I will probably go crazy. And so, if
you feel inclined to read my thoughts as a teacher (and now coach!) in urban
education, feel free to read on. If not, your loss pal! (But seriously, no hard
Here we go.