Overcoming a Post-Vacation Funk

Winter break has come to an end. I find myself once again seated in my bedroom, journaling, sipping tea and preparing myself for another week as a teacher. It’s funny – well, sort of funny – even though I’ve been teaching for a few months now, I’m still as anxious as ever for each day. I still consistently think lowly of myself as an educator and wonder, more often than not, what I am I doing here?

This past week I had the chance to spend time with family, friends, and mountains in Colorado. It was amazing, but as with most vacations, went far too fast. Now it is a distant memory that I try to hold onto as best as I can. I close my eyes and think of the silent falling of snowflakes under a street light in Breckenridge, the sloshing sound of jogging feet along a Wash Park running path, the wide grins, goofy dances and chaotic karaoke noises of a 25th birthday party. It’s an almost immediate nostalgia; I wish it didn’t have to end so soon.

And now here I am again, in a small Harlem bedroom, surrounded by the immensity and anonymity of this place – overwhelmed by my Monday – struggling. These themes you’ve heard before, so I won’t beat them over your head – but it helps me to be reflective and let the world know how I feel. I’m sure there are at least one or two readers out there who might take an interest.

Okay – I’ve stewed long enough in this post-vacation depression. I’ve allowed it to linger, but it is time to move forward. As I finish this tea, and the figures on my clock near 10:30, I am reaffirming my commitment. I will get through tomorrow. I will get through this week. Not only will I survive – I will thrive. I will continue to put forth my best effort and never lose an ounce of empathy or love for my students. I will struggle and persevere because I expect the same from my kids and our communities. I may be an awkward, uncertain, self-doubting first-year teacher, but I will not be self-defeating; I will make this work.

And that – is how you get through a funk. That is how you do it.

Good night America,


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