Reactions to Tragedy
Life is short. At times, too short. This past week a friend of mine of over 15 years passed away unexpectedly and, although this blog is mainly dedicated to the events of my traveling, I feel it would be absolutely inappropriate to dismiss this and simply continue writing of cities and lakes and landscapes. It's strange to be 6,000 miles away at a time like this - I think the distance makes it tougher for me to absorb - but even though few people in Milan may remember Patrick Cassidy, I do and I will. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Cassidy family - you have a wonderful son and brother and he will be missed.
My thoughts have been limited, but in reaction to this tragedy, especially as such a young man, I've been confronted with the fragility of life, an idea often proclaimed while only occasionally understood. We are not invincible, no matter what your age, and our time here is 100% temporary. It's extremely difficult and perhaps a bit depressing to think about this every day - but when you do, each moment becomes more valuable, each new experience more appreciated, each friendship more precious. This past weekend I traveled to Lake Como and Florence (which I will write about soon), and with recent events weighing in on my mind, the sights I saw had a deeper impact on me personally, had it been just another normal week preceding.
I don't really know what else to say, so I'll close this somber rumination with a few cliches and a promise. First, life is short. I know this now more than ever. Second, life is beautiful. I have seen it. And finally, I have lost a friend this past week, but because I remain, I promise to continue living, and see all I can see, and do all I can do, because you only live once, and I'm sure Pat would have agreed.
Still, I miss my friend. Rest in peace Patrick.